• Welcome to Synergia Coaching's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) to support classroom and distance learning.

Site announcements

Updated VLE

by Clare Barnett -

Dear everyone,

this is just to let you all know that the VLE has been updated, and is now running much quicker.  From Monday 22nd April, I will be posting regular updates onto the site for each course.  Please do check in and let me know you have seen this message. 

See you on your course soon.

best wishes 

Synergia Launches New VLE (Virtual Learning Environment)

by Jim Barnett -

1st June 2020 saw the launch of a Synergia Coaching's new VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) for the company. Using the new platform Synergia hope it can further support its learners on their personal journies and offer a new Distance Learning expereince.

Available courses

The Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 7 Certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.



The Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 7 Certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.



The Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 7 certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.



The Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 7 certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.



The Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on providing you with new coaching and mentoring skills.

This is ideal if you are a manager with significant responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of your day-to-day role. It will also support you if you are planning to move into a development role in your organisation or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;

  • Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in the Business Environment
  • Learn to recognise your own and others’ Values, Beliefs & Ethics
  • Ensure formal Contracting is employed in 1:1 coaching & mentoring
  • Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an organisational level
  • Learn new Processes, Models and Techniques
  • Recognise the benefit of Supervision & Coaching Best Practice
  • Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor

This is ideal if you are a manager with significant responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of your day-to-day role. It will also support you if you are planning to move into a development role in your organisation or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.

Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.

Benefits for individuals

  • Be able to assess your own skills, knowledgeandbehavioursas a coach and mentor
  • Know how to manage the coaching or mentoring process within anorganisational context
  • Deepen your understanding of how theorganisationalcontext can affect coaching or mentoring
  • Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
  • Plan your future development in coaching or mentoring

Benefits for employers

  • Ensure the individuals you develop as effective coaches and mentors are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they require
  • Develop a coaching and mentoring culture so that individuals can improve their performance and organisational productivity



The Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management enables middle managers to gain a thorough grounding of their role and responsibilities.

It allows you to focus on their interpersonal skills and build better relationships and provides skills to effectively communicate organisational goals and values.

You will be able to confidently lead and motivate people to achieve goals, assess performance as a manager and plan to improve it.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

To support this we deliver accredited coaching and leadership training for small or large businesses in both the private and public sector using face to face and distance learning (including video conferencing of 'live' training).

There are 6 key areas

  • Working with people – a range of units including how to deal effectively with stress and conflict, manage remote workers, build excellent customer relations
  • Managing yourself and personal skills – including units that focus on assessing your own leadership performance,  and developing critical thinking
  • Providing direction – such as leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, and making strong and informed management decisions.
  • Facilitating innovation and change – for example, build a culture of continued improvement, and lead people through change
  • Achieving results – such as managing for efficiency and effectiveness, and managing projects that get results
  • Using resources – including managing facilities and managing information.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;
  • Develop your leadership styles
  • How to make a financial case
  • Managing projects in organisations
  • Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring
  • Develop individual mental toughness

Benefits for individuals

    • Use core management techniques to drive better results
    • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire
    • Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management
    • Benchmark your managerial skills
    • Raise your profile in your organisation.

Benefits for employers

  • Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement
  • Engage middle managers with training and development – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career-minded professionals
  • Customise this qualification to your development needs.

The Level 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management enables middle managers to gain a thorough grounding of their role and responsibilities.

It allows you to focus on their interpersonal skills and build better relationships and provides skills to effectively communicate organisational goals and values.

You will be able to confidently lead and motivate people to achieve goals, assess performance as a manager and plan to improve it.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

To support this we deliver accredited coaching and leadership training for small or large businesses in both the private and public sector using face to face and distance learning (including video conferencing of 'live' training).

There are 6 key areas

  • Working with people – a range of units including how to deal effectively with stress and conflict, manage remote workers, build excellent customer relations
  • Managing yourself and personal skills – including units that focus on assessing your own leadership performance,  and developing critical thinking
  • Providing direction – such as leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, and making strong and informed management decisions.
  • Facilitating innovation and change – for example, build a culture of continued improvement, and lead people through change
  • Achieving results – such as managing for efficiency and effectiveness, and managing projects that get results
  • Using resources – including managing facilities and managing information.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;
  • Develop your leadership styles
  • How to make a financial case
  • Managing projects in organisations
  • Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring
  • Develop individual mental toughness

Benefits for individuals

    • Use core management techniques to drive better results
    • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire
    • Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management
    • Benchmark your managerial skills
    • Raise your profile in your organisation.

Benefits for employers

  • Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement
  • Engage middle managers with training and development – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career-minded professionals
  • Customise this qualification to your development needs.

Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management. 

We have designed a very thorough Level 3 Certificate, ensuring that it gives each participant a strong foundation in leadership and management.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

Suitability - Who Should Attend?

The Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management is ideal for individuals who have management responsibilities but no formal training and are serious about developing their abilities. This particular programme also supports practising team leaders seeking to move up to the next level of management as well as managers who need to lead people through organisational change, budget cuts or other pressures.


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.

Benefits for individuals

  • Gain a range of key management skills
  • Put new skills into practice in your own role
  • Build your leadership capabilities
  • Motivate and engage teams, manage relationships confidently
  • Develop your leadership skills using your own knowledge, values and motivations.

Benefits for employers

  • Effective and confident first-line managers
  • Better relationships and communication in teams
  • Measurable results: workplace-based assessment ensures new skills are effectively transferred to your business
  • A broad range of optional units – qualification can be tailored to your organisation’s learning and development needs.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;

  • Understanding Leadership
  • Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively
  • Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance
  • Understanding the Communication Process in the Workplace
  • Understanding Marketing for Managers
  • Understanding Change in the Workplace

Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management. 

We have designed a very thorough Level 3 Certificate, ensuring that it gives each participant a strong foundation in leadership and management.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

Suitability - Who Should Attend?

The Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management is ideal for individuals who have management responsibilities but no formal training and are serious about developing their abilities. This particular programme also supports practising team leaders seeking to move up to the next level of management as well as managers who need to lead people through organisational change, budget cuts or other pressures.


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.

Benefits for individuals

  • Gain a range of key management skills
  • Put new skills into practice in your own role
  • Build your leadership capabilities
  • Motivate and engage teams, manage relationships confidently
  • Develop your leadership skills using your own knowledge, values and motivations.

Benefits for employers

  • Effective and confident first-line managers
  • Better relationships and communication in teams
  • Measurable results: workplace-based assessment ensures new skills are effectively transferred to your business
  • A broad range of optional units – qualification can be tailored to your organisation’s learning and development needs.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;

  • Understanding Leadership
  • Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively
  • Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance
  • Understanding the Communication Process in the Workplace
  • Understanding Marketing for Managers
  • Understanding Change in the Workplace

Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management. 

We have designed a very thorough Level 3 Certificate, ensuring that it gives each participant a strong foundation in leadership and management.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

Suitability - Who Should Attend?

The Level 3 Certificate in Leadership and Management is ideal for individuals who have management responsibilities but no formal training and are serious about developing their abilities. This particular programme also supports practising team leaders seeking to move up to the next level of management as well as managers who need to lead people through organisational change, budget cuts or other pressures.


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 3 Certificate in Leadership & Management at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.

Benefits for individuals

  • Gain a range of key management skills
  • Put new skills into practice in your own role
  • Build your leadership capabilities
  • Motivate and engage teams, manage relationships confidently
  • Develop your leadership skills using your own knowledge, values and motivations.

Benefits for employers

  • Effective and confident first-line managers
  • Better relationships and communication in teams
  • Measurable results: workplace-based assessment ensures new skills are effectively transferred to your business
  • A broad range of optional units – qualification can be tailored to your organisation’s learning and development needs.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;

  • Understanding Leadership
  • Leading and Motivating a Team Effectively
  • Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance
  • Understanding the Communication Process in the Workplace
  • Understanding Marketing for Managers
  • Understanding Change in the Workplace

The Level 3 & 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management enables middle managers to gain a thorough grounding of their role and responsibilities.

It allows you to focus on their interpersonal skills and build better relationships and provides skills to effectively communicate organisational goals and values.

You will be able to confidently lead and motivate people to achieve goals, assess performance as a manager and plan to improve it.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

To support this we deliver accredited coaching and leadership training for small or large businesses in both the private and public sector using face to face and distance learning (including video conferencing of 'live' training).

There are 6 key areas

  • Working with people – a range of units including how to deal effectively with stress and conflict, manage remote workers, build excellent customer relations
  • Managing yourself and personal skills – including units that focus on assessing your own leadership performance,  and developing critical thinking
  • Providing direction – such as leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, and making strong and informed management decisions.
  • Facilitating innovation and change – for example, build a culture of continued improvement, and lead people through change
  • Achieving results – such as managing for efficiency and effectiveness, and managing projects that get results
  • Using resources – including managing facilities and managing information.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;
  • Develop your leadership styles
  • How to make a financial case
  • Managing projects in organisations
  • Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring
  • Develop individual mental toughness

Benefits for individuals

    • Use core management techniques to drive better results
    • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire
    • Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management
    • Benchmark your managerial skills
    • Raise your profile in your organisation.

Benefits for employers

  • Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement
  • Engage middle managers with training and development – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career-minded professionals
  • Customise this qualification to your development needs.

The Level 3 & 5 Certificate in Leadership and Management enables middle managers to gain a thorough grounding of their role and responsibilities.

It allows you to focus on their interpersonal skills and build better relationships and provides skills to effectively communicate organisational goals and values.

You will be able to confidently lead and motivate people to achieve goals, assess performance as a manager and plan to improve it.

You and your fellow course students will have access to an online learning system including electronic course media and a virtual community to share your thoughts and experiences.

To support this we deliver accredited coaching and leadership training for small or large businesses in both the private and public sector using face to face and distance learning (including video conferencing of 'live' training).

There are 6 key areas

  • Working with people – a range of units including how to deal effectively with stress and conflict, manage remote workers, build excellent customer relations
  • Managing yourself and personal skills – including units that focus on assessing your own leadership performance,  and developing critical thinking
  • Providing direction – such as leading teams to achieve organisational goals and objectives, and making strong and informed management decisions.
  • Facilitating innovation and change – for example, build a culture of continued improvement, and lead people through change
  • Achieving results – such as managing for efficiency and effectiveness, and managing projects that get results
  • Using resources – including managing facilities and managing information.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;
  • Develop your leadership styles
  • How to make a financial case
  • Managing projects in organisations
  • Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective coaching and mentoring
  • Develop individual mental toughness

Benefits for individuals

    • Use core management techniques to drive better results
    • Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire
    • Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management
    • Benchmark your managerial skills
    • Raise your profile in your organisation.

Benefits for employers

  • Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement
  • Engage middle managers with training and development – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career-minded professionals
  • Customise this qualification to your development needs.

The Level 3/5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on providing you with new coaching and mentoring skills.

This is ideal if you are a manager with significant responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of your day-to-day role. It will also support you if you are planning to move into a development role in your organisation or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.

Course modules including practical training and reflection;

  • Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in the Business Environment
  • Learn to recognise your own and others’ Values, Beliefs & Ethics
  • Ensure formal Contracting is employed in 1:1 coaching & mentoring
  • Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an organisational level
  • Learn new Processes, Models and Techniques
  • Recognise the benefit of Supervision & Coaching Best Practice
  • Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor

This is ideal if you are a manager with significant responsibility for coaching and mentoring as part of your day-to-day role. It will also support you if you are planning to move into a development role in your organisation or start a career as a freelance coach and mentor.

Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.

Benefits for individuals

  • Be able to assess your own skills, knowledgeandbehavioursas a coach and mentor
  • Know how to manage the coaching or mentoring process within anorganisational context
  • Deepen your understanding of how theorganisationalcontext can affect coaching or mentoring
  • Plan, deliver and review your coaching and mentoring
  • Plan your future development in coaching or mentoring

Benefits for employers

  • Ensure the individuals you develop as effective coaches and mentors are equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they require
  • Develop a coaching and mentoring culture so that individuals can improve their performance and organisational productivity



The Level 5 & Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 5 & 7 certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.



The Level 5 & Level 7 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring focuses on developing your coaching and mentoring skills which will enable you to introduce a coaching culture as a leadership style within your organisation.

The course also looks at all types of coaching including business and life coaching.

The Level 5 & 7 certificate follows a similar academic approach to a Post Graduate Degree qualification. Anyone with a degree, or equivalent, will find this course thought provoking and detailed. With the ILM as the academic authority this course is recognised nationally and even worldwide.


There are three mandatory assignments;

Understanding the Principles and Practice of Effective Coaching and Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level.

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at an Executive or Senior Level (20hrs).

Reflecting on Your Ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor at an Executive or Senior Level.


Course modules including practical training and reflection;

Understanding the Context of Coaching and Mentoring in a Strategic Business Environment

Values, Beliefs & Contracting

Undertaking Coaching or Mentoring at a Senior Strategic Level

Process, Models and Techniques

Supervision & Coaching Practice

Reflecting on Your own ability to Perform Effectively as a Coach or Mentor Practicing at a Senior Level


Following your completion of all the course days and a minimum of a Pass in all the assignments you’ll receive your ILM Level 7 Certificate in Coaching & Mentoring at an awards ceremony to recognise the effort and success you’ve achieved.


Benefits for individuals

Understand the strategic purposes of coaching and mentoring at an executive or senior level

Analyse the knowledge, skills, behaviours and practices necessary for effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Plan, deliver and review own effective coaching or mentoring at an executive or senior level

Learn why reflective learning is important for own professional practice

Be able to plan own future professional development activities as a coach or mentor operating at an executive or senior level


Benefits for employers

Implement coaching in complex working environments or at an executive or senior level in your organisation

Ensure your organisation’s coaches and mentors are properly equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need

Create a coaching and mentoring culture in which senior managers and leaders demonstrate their commitment to supporting their own and others’ development and performance improvement.